Family DentistryHatboro, PA

At York Dental Care, we strive to provide premium dental care for everyone in the family! With years of experience working with patients of all ages, our team is highly skilled in providing a variety of services to fit your needs while offering kindness and compassion along the way. In our office, you will discover high-quality dental treatment tailored to suit you! Children, teens, and adults are all welcome at our Hatboro, PA office! Whatever you and your family need, our team will provide exceptional care that you can count on! We provide a variety of services so that you have easy access to all you need in one place. If you’re looking for a great family dentist, we encourage you to make an appointment with us today!

Cleaning & Checkups

Even if you brush and floss your teeth regularly, it’s still essential that your teeth are professionally cleaned every six months at the dentist’s office. Over time, your teeth build up a layer of sticky bacteria called plaque. This build-up is difficult to remove without the help of specially designed tools that our team uses during your appointment. We practice preventative dentistry to address oral health concerns as soon as they arise. Your oral health can be kept on track with the help of professional cleanings and seeing a dentist for regular exams and x-rays. If you haven’t had your teeth cleaned in a while, now is the perfect time to call and schedule your checkup!

Gum Disease

Patients with gum disease often fail to notice the early symptoms of the condition. When left untreated, gum disease can lead to several complications that may negatively impact your oral health. Our team of experts is experienced in treating both early and late stages of gum disease, working to help patients reverse symptoms and work towards a healthier smile.

Halitosis (Bad Breath) Treatment

If you have bad breath that is not resolved by brushing your teeth or using mouthwash, you could have a deeper, underlying cause. There are a variety of different issues that may lead to bad breath, including dental decay, gum disease, or infections in the teeth. If you have halitosis, our team can assist you in determining how to treat it and provide effective treatment options.

Pediatric Dentistry

At our office, we know we’ve done an excellent job when your child is looking forward to their next dental appointment! Gentle care, patience, and comfort are the three principles that guide our team as we provide care for our young patients. Our goal is to make sure your child has a positive dental experience and that you understand what they need to maintain their oral health. Whether your child is an infant, teen, or any age in between, taking care of their oral health today can help them in the future!

Gum Grafting

Gum grafts are performed to restore your teeth and gums’ health and appearance after suffering from gum recession. Gum recession occurs when the gums recede from the tooth due to injury, decay, or infection. Soft tissue from you or a donor can be grafted over the exposed area to protect your teeth. As the graft heals, it will blend seamlessly into your natural gum line.

Root Canals

Root canal therapy helps keep teeth healthy by eliminating severe cases of infection and decay in the actual tooth itself. By preventing infection from progressing and requiring extraction, the procedure can help patients prolong the life of their teeth! Many patients afraid of getting a root canal are pleased to discover that the treatment instantly relieves pain and discomfort from their tooth infection. Root canal therapy may be followed by the recommendation of a dental crown or filling to restore a tooth’s strength.

Tooth Extractions

We try to prevent tooth extractions whenever possible, but in some cases, they may be necessary to preserve your overall oral health. Whether your smile is being negatively affected by severe decay, overcrowding, or an impacted wisdom tooth, tooth extractions are carefully planned and executed to correct the issue. 

Same-Day Dentistry

In certain situations, we recognize that our patients are in need of urgent dental care. If you need immediate care, our team will make every effort to take care of you on the same day! We are available to accommodate emergency dental visits as well as same-day appointments throughout our hours of operation. 

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